Friday, March 31, 2017

Setting up Firebase Web Auth on App Engine Flex with Java

This video covers:
  • Using Firebase on the client
  • Create a Firebase web app
  • Check out Firebase Web UI
  • Create a login.html and success.html


Firebase Web UI

Firebase Configuration Guide

Using: Firebase, App Engine Flex, Jetty, Eclipse, Java

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Setting up Firebase Web Auth on App Engine Flex with Node.js

This video covers: 
  • Using Firebase on the client
  • Create a Firebase web app
  • Check out Firebase Web UI
  • Create a login.html and success.html


Firebase Web UI

Firebase Configuration Guide

Using: Firebase, App Engine Flex, Node.js, VS Code, Javascript

Add a Splash to your Sencha Ext JS app

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Using the Flutter Live Templates in the New Flutter 12.0 Plugin Release

This video covers:

  • Flutter Plugin 12.0 Release
  • stless - New StatelessWidget
  • stful - New StatefulWidget
  • stanim - New widget with AnimationController

12.0 Release Notes:

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Dart IntelliJ IDEA Live Templates

This video will cover creating live templates for:
- itar - iterate elements in array with for i
- iter - iterate elements with for in
- sout - print to standard output
- soutm - print with class and method

Monday, March 27, 2017

Basic Cloud Spanner Setup for a Java App Engine Project

This Video Covers:
  • Initialize a Spanner for the Project
  • Create a table
  • Write to the table
  • Read from the table

Source Code Used in Video:

More Information:

Flutter - Previous Episode Update

This Video Covers:
- DrawerItem changed to ListTile
- It’s a tech preview so things are changing

main.dart source

GWT Eclipse Plugin Release Update

The GWT Eclipse Plugin has been updated.

Updates to the Eclipse Plugin:
- Misc. Defect fixes
- @Source errors ignored by default
- Fixed uibinder path issue
- Tuned server starting
- Option to turn off analytics added - Source - Eclipse market place listing

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Creating a Firebase Database App for Android

This Video Covers: 
- Creating a Firebase project
- Getting the Android Fingerprint
- Generate the google-services.json
- Create a Android Sandbox App with Firebase
- Set Firebase database rules to public
- And test pushing data to Firebase database

Create a Firebase Project Site

Get the Android Fingerprint Guide

Setting Up Android Firebase Dependencies Guide

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Debugging Sencha Ext JS App with VS Code

This Video Covers:

  • Installing the Chrome Debugger Plugin
  • Installing the Sencha Plugin
  • Importing the App
  • Running Sencha App Watch
  • Launching Debugging
  • Setting Breakpoints

More on Debugging with VS Code

More on Remote Debugging - Guide to remote debugging

Google Services Authorization for App Engine

This Video Covers:
- How to setup the project authorization context so you can debug your App Engine app with Google Services.
- glcoud init
- Showing a quick example of Google Cloud Spanner authorization

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Creating Javadoc with UML.

I use maven to setup the process to create the Javadoc with uml.


1. First create the pom.xml with the dependencies you want in the Javadoc.
2. Run 'mvn install' on the Javadoc.
3. Look in the target directory for the Javadoc folder.

pom.xml Source code:

Monday, March 20, 2017

Installing Sencha Cmd and Creating an Ext JS Sandbox App

This video covers:
- Downloading Sencha Cmd
- Downloading Ext JS
- Installing Sencha Command
- Extracting the Ext JS sdk
- Creating a Sandbox App

More Information:
1. - Installing Cmd
2. - Creating App

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Flutter - Creating a StatefulWidget

This video covers:
- What is a StatefulWidget
- Creating a StatefulWidget

Source Code

More Information

Updating Flutter for your Project

This video covers keeping up to date for your project.

Debugging App Engine Flex Java in Eclipse

Debugging App Engine Flex Java in Eclipse.

This video covers:
- Import project source code
- Install Run Jetty Run from the marketplace
- Right click and debug as Run Jetty Run
- Stop and edit launcher config
- Setting a break point on the server request
- Using breakpoints to investigate the stack and variables

More Information

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Flutter Git Commits History

I always like an excuse to create a visualization. This visualization covers the flutter, flutter-engine and flutter-intellij repositories commit history up to 3/18/2017.

This is what I used to create the visualization.

Sites - gource - Flutter

Friday, March 17, 2017

Adding a public directory to App Engine node.js Flex Project

Here's how you could host public static files like images and other html resources using the express plugin with node.js.

This video covers how you would add a public directory to to your app engine project.

Source Code:

More Guides:

GXT Latency Debugging

This video covers finding latency in the GXT Grid cell rendering.  It also covers using the Chrome Dev Tools time line to explore the execution path and find the latency.

Code used in this video:

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Debugging App Engine Flex node.js Web App in Visual Studio Code

This video covers using Visual Studio Code to debug an App Engine Flex node.js project.

It will go over:
* Import the hello world flex project
* Debug the node.js web app
* Breakpoints
* Stack and variable inspection
* node.js auto assist

Find more on Google's Guide here:

Sencha Studio, The screen Shot Assertion

Using Sencha Studio screenshot as an assertion for your unit test.

More Info

This Video Covers
1. Goto:
2. Create Test
3. Setup storage.json
   - my_secret_key == 889jwx093jr8wuwer (See -K below)
4. Start the “stc server”
R5. un suite in ST suite directory: stc run -o text -p Embedded -S http://localhost:1903 -K 889jwx093jr8wuwer
5. Configure archive server
   - http://localhost:1903/test_storage
6. View failure

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Debugging App Engine Flex node.js Web App in Eclipse

This video Covers:
  • Install the node.js Eclipse plugin
  • Import the Hello World app
  • Debug the node.js app
  • Breakpoints, stack and variable inspection
  • Node.js auto assist


  • Google Cloud SDK
  • Eclipse
  • NPM
Quick Start
Find the detailed directions here:

Git Clone
git clone

Create Project
Import the project into Eclipse by Creating a Node.js project

Run npm install and it will download the dependencies and initially build the project.

Sencha Architect to Create and Editor your Sencha Ext JS applications

Sencha Architect can edit your Ext JS applications.

1. Creating a pivot grid from a template.

2. Editing the pivot grid in a mobile view.

Get Started with your Ext JS Architect Application here:

Monday, March 13, 2017

Example using Ext.Toast

Here is an example of using Ext.Toast

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Create a Navigation Drawer

I took it up a notch and created another video to show how to create a navigation drawer in a flutter app. But this time I use the DrawerHeader and DrawerItem with a material design icon and then when you press on it, go to a new activity using a route to a stateless widget.

Find out how to create a simple Stateless widget and use it as an activity. And then use the Navigator to navigate to it from the drawer item ontap or onpress event.

Trying out the Dart Analysis Server

I wanted to see how the Dart Analysis Server was put together and worked. I started looking to see how I could wire it up and try out the co...